Against the backdrop of a refined method of harvesting cranberries, Drink the Rain! explores intersecting realities and surrealities that develop through a drug fuelled, sexually-charged relationship between seasonal workers. The harvesting process starts with a flooding that transforms a field of vines into a lake, vines are shook to dislodge the berries, the ripe fruit floats to the surface as the premature sink, allowing the berries to be collected in nets off the side of dinghies. Through connecting with the land in this process, parallels are drawn as the characters connect with each other and reconnect with themselves, deconstructing social and psychological frameworks for a more authentic and enriching passion for life. Drink the Rain! is a dissection of conscious existence and a reflection of affected self-awareness when under the gaze of another being. Brave thematic imagery accompanies change and growth of character as distant places of the mind become increasingly imposing, resulting in such things as a once unimaginable 'sex fight' in the rain.