Make My Movie

NZFC / NZ On Air / present... the MAKE MY MOVIE project. Our proud history of profound, progressive & potty thinking: Splittng the Atom / Women Getting the Vote / the Zorb and now we have another world first: the MAKE MY MOVIE project

Project details

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Jonathan Finn

A “TAG Films” FILM
WRITTEN BY Paul Williams

Jonathan Finn is a 17 year old from Motueka (48 minutes from Nelson). He lives with his parents, his two older brothers (Gavin and Judd), his Uncle Chazza and Uncle Chazza’s girlfriend (Laci). He likes rollerblading, singing, making jigsaw puzzles and Georgia Stein (a girl from school who recently moved up to Auckland).

One day, Jonathan is rollerblading down to the dairy when he sees two men loading copious amounts of Marijuana into the back of their station wagon. Jonathan immediately recognises the men to be his dad Steve and his brother Gavin. Gavin spots Jonathan and a chase scene ensues. Jonathan escapes his perusers and makes it home safely. Unfortunately, he lives in the same house as his dad and his brother so his escape is short lived.

Jonathan’s mum explains to him that his family has been dealing drugs for 20 years and that they were going to tell him this and give him a job when he turned 18. Jonathan is shocked and tells his family that he will never be a “douchebag drug dealer”. His dad tells him that he has no choice. He will work for the family no matter what.

That night, unbeknownst to his family, Jonathan packs all his stuff into Judd’s yellow Honda, writes a farewell letter to his family and sets off towards a new life in Auckland and Georgia Stein, the girl of his dreams.

The following morning, his family find the letter, pack into the family van and set off to hunt him down and bring him home.

What ensues is a wild chase spanning the length of the North Island. Along the road Jonathan finds himself in some awkward situations, meets some interesting characters and even gets a new best friend named Arapeta.

Will Jonathan make it to Auckland and win over the girl of his dreams? Or will his dumb-ass family ruin everything?