Make My Movie

NZFC / NZ On Air / present... the MAKE MY MOVIE project. Our proud history of profound, progressive & potty thinking: Splittng the Atom / Women Getting the Vote / the Zorb and now we have another world first: the MAKE MY MOVIE project

Project details

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my dad

A “life of a film” FILM
WRITTEN BY paul dale

this is a story of a 13 year old ordinary boy. who enjoys lifes moments to the full but he enjoyed the moments most when he is with his dad. he keeped an album of photos of his most memorable moments in life. his dad made it for him when he was younger, adding new photos all the time. the mother is to obsessed with business work that she barely spent time with her family. one day the father dies on the way back from work of a car crash caused by a drunk driver. his son comes home expecting to finish building there tree house together but instead finds his mother crying and the police there. giving the bad news. the boy does not know how to deal with it. becoming alone, emotionless, separate from others, and yet he shows no tears. his mother is far to consumed with her own sadness that she doesn't even she her sons pain. the boy begin's to see his father (in his head) in places they had once gone e.g. the arcade in the mall where they left the unbroken record on one of the machines, at the park etc. not wonting to face reality yet, he decides to relive all his most memorable moments, taking his clothes, mums card to deposit large amounts of money from ATMs' and his most valuable object; his photo album guiding him through his journey. as he relives the moments of him and his dad he see's his dad more and remembers all the important things his dad told and taught him. until he comes back to reality to face the facts of his fathers death. he meets new people along the way. see's other peoples pain and helps them, giving them hope. this movie will have comedy, scenes of new Zealand most beautiful and unique places, important messages and a unforgettable movie.
i have not writing a script for the movie but i have a great sense of idea of what this amazing idea will be.