Make My Movie

NZFC / NZ On Air / present... the MAKE MY MOVIE project. Our proud history of profound, progressive & potty thinking: Splittng the Atom / Women Getting the Vote / the Zorb and now we have another world first: the MAKE MY MOVIE project

Project details

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Never Be Enough

A “Elusively Mythical” FILM
WRITTEN BY Rachel Neems

In the 17th century an infamous cannibal called Sawney Bean wreaked havoc over the Galloway coast in Scotland. With his wife up in their cave they called home they raised several children. They in turn bred with their own children and even their own grandchildren forming a large incestual family with many mouths to feed. As travelers ventured on the coast they were plucked by the massive clan and used for resources and most importantly for food. The King of Scotland heard from a lone lucky survivor of the events, he sent a group from his army to capture the clan. After setting a trap they had success and then returned them to the King for execution. To this day there is no solid proof of their existence, it became a complete myth. Or so everyone thought.

Nicole Anderson and her husband Martin escape to Scotland for a much needed holiday away. As they arrive they are met by a strange man who insists that he can take them to the actual location for holidayers. The site they finally reach is a small gathering of buildings just on the outskirts of the coast. The man reveals to them the town that adjoins it is through the forest ahead, but a fair walk. The atmosphere is unusually still and quiet, undeterred Nicole and Martin enjoy the rest of the evening and settle in for the night.

A strange, almost unearthly noise wakes them from their sleep. Nicole and Martin slowly make their way outside to determine the source. Behind one of the buildings a heap of blood soaked cloth writhes as the noise emanates from within. With a nearby branch at hand Laura peels back the cloth to inspect it. Before they get a chance to grasp what they have just uncovered, a darkened figure emerges from the tree line before them.

The Legend of Sawney Bean still plagues the coast through his descendants from centuries and generations of incestual blood. Nicole using her medical knowledge as a doctor takes their first attacker on bringing him down swiftly with the tools she has at hand. In their escape attempt reaching the nearby town they encounter a further genetically mutated cannibal from the bloodline. A massive hulking younger cannibal visually devolving to a frightening mess, but a major powerhouse none the less. Using what they know and what they can find they take on this enemy refusing to go down without a fight in an effort to turn the tables from being the hunted to becoming the hunters.