Make My Movie

NZFC / NZ On Air / present... the MAKE MY MOVIE project. Our proud history of profound, progressive & potty thinking: Splittng the Atom / Women Getting the Vote / the Zorb and now we have another world first: the MAKE MY MOVIE project

Project details

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A “Underground Kite” FILM
WRITTEN BY Nathan Mills

When Symphony suffers a horrific car crash her father, a brilliant Army surgeon, saves her life with a top secret brain implant developed to build the perfect soldier.

Problem is, the military know she has it. And they'll stop at nothing to get it back.

Symphony' father performs the operation on her after a car crash threatens to leave the 16 year old a vegetable. The implant has been developed to allow soldiers to not only operate at peak physical condition at all times, but "overclocks" their brains, allowing them remote access to computer networks through thought alone. Until now, the implanting of the overclocking units has met with nil success, with the military covering up the deaths of the subjects as training accidents.

The unit "takes" with Symphony, however, and she recovers quickly. She immediately starts showing increased physical and mental prowess. Symphony's father's superiors soon realise what has happened, and ask her father to bring her in, with the implication that they want to experiment on her. When he refuses to hand her over, he disappears. Symphony goes looking for him, with the help of his young assistant. With the entire Army on her heels, Symphony's only hope is to uncover the truth behind the experiments and expose the horrific truth to the world.