Make My Movie

NZFC / NZ On Air / present... the MAKE MY MOVIE project. Our proud history of profound, progressive & potty thinking: Splittng the Atom / Women Getting the Vote / the Zorb and now we have another world first: the MAKE MY MOVIE project

Project details

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Paranoid Android

A “Snake Pit Films” FILM
WRITTEN BY Luke Hedley & Christopher Nicholls

Christian Arkoff is a gifted young neurobiologist researching neural pathways in bio-computer components. His tireless efforts have lead him catch a cold. After making a breakthrough in his research, Christian blows his congested nose and is confused to find a small fragment of microchip in his mucus. Christian begins to notice a hum emanating from his little finger. After running a series of inconclusive tests on himself, Christian begins to suspect he may not be human. In a desperate attempt to find out for sure, he chops off his little finger and is shocked to discover circuitry inside. As Christian tries to figure out what his discovery means, shadowy groups begin to take an interest in his research. However, Christian suspects they are really interested in him. Christian sets out to confirm if he really is an android, and if so, what is the reason for his existence.