Make My Movie

NZFC / NZ On Air / present... the MAKE MY MOVIE project. Our proud history of profound, progressive & potty thinking: Splittng the Atom / Women Getting the Vote / the Zorb and now we have another world first: the MAKE MY MOVIE project

Project details

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Strike Ninja

A “Ranger Productions” FILM
WRITTEN BY Sam Milne & David Potts

“In this city, there are no innocent men. We all take part in crime, whether it be by participating or standing aside and watching it happen... We are all guilty. Even me.”

Diagnosed with mental illness from a young age, Romeo Sanchez is a reject to society. Struggling to tell the difference between his subconscious and reality, Romeo is constantly battling for not only his sanity but his right to feel like a human being. Ever since his diagnosis, Romeo has dreamed of being somebody else, a person untethered to the harsh prejudice of society. As a last attempt of controlling his mind, Romeo follows his childhood dream, creating for himself an alternate identity, allowing an escape from the maltreatment and cruel judgements bestowed upon him. Romeo finds that when he is in costume, he no longer has to abide by the strict and callous rules expected from the world. When he is wearing his mask Romeo Sanchez is no longer a human, but a dark figure that is unrestricted to social bigotry. As his alter ego, the misunderstood man no longer has to fear, and has nothing more to lose. Whilst resisting the constant threat of going insane, Romeo begins to see the injustices that exist within his community, and as his new alias, vows to dissolve them. However, as he battles his way deep within the realm of the criminally insane, Romeo discovers that being a superhero has a toll on his mentality that he could not even begin to imagine.

“I am not a man... So I cannot be corrupted or victimised by you... I am STRIKE NINJA.”