Make My Movie

NZFC / NZ On Air / present... the MAKE MY MOVIE project. Our proud history of profound, progressive & potty thinking: Splittng the Atom / Women Getting the Vote / the Zorb and now we have another world first: the MAKE MY MOVIE project

Project details

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Taniwha's Day Off

A “Strangelight” FILM
WRITTEN BY Joe Hitchcock

Eke Wēra is a coastal Taniwha who decides when people live or die in his part of the ocean. Generally he prefers people to die, which is why the area is known as such a dangerous surf spot.
One summer night surfer girl Charlie McFly nearly drowns on his beach, but Eke decides to let her live and returns her to the shore.
The next day is Eke’s annual day off from being an ocean guardian and he goes ashore to watch the local surf competition, because the only thing he likes about humans is how they ride the waves.
Eke recognises Charlie practicing for the competition. Charlie shows no recognition but advises him to put some clothes on. Eke only speaks Maori and doesn’t understand, so Charlie covers him with a spare flowery sarong she has in her bag.
When bad weather delays the surf competition by a day, Charlie persuades Eke to check out the town and Pākehā customs. Along the way, Charlie is harassed by her nemesis Britney, who mocks Charlie for falling off her board every year. Eke starts to like Charlie, and teaches her how to read the currents and stay on the waves.

Local authorities hear the Taniwha is in town and plot to kill him to make their beach safer. Britney and her crew make plans to ensure Charlie will fall off her board.

As Eke starts to change his mind about humans and fall in love for the first time, he breaks it to Charlie that he is actually a Taniwha and returns to live in the ocean. Charlie is shocked and heartbroken.
Will Eke Wēra stop Britney’s crew from Cheating?
Will authorities kill the Taniwha?
Will Charlie stay on her board and win the competition to buy food for orphans?