Make My Movie

NZFC / NZ On Air / present... the MAKE MY MOVIE project. Our proud history of profound, progressive & potty thinking: Splittng the Atom / Women Getting the Vote / the Zorb and now we have another world first: the MAKE MY MOVIE project

Project details

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The Bone

A “Godiva Productions Limited” FILM
WRITTEN BY April Phillips

On Christmas Day, young Sally tries to save her pet chicken from being slaughtered but her stepfather hits her and flings her to the floor where Sally watches in horror. Eyes clenched shut, she can still hear the sickening flapping of wings against the axe.

While carving the roast, Sally’s mother gives her the wishbone to pull. Sally reluctantly pulls on the bone of her beloved pet till it breaks and wins. She closes her eyes and wishes that her stepfather will never hit her again.

Across the dinner table, Sally watches her stepdad grasp his throat and his face turn blue as he chokes on a chicken bone. As his life slips away, Sally retrieves the wishbone from the kitchen bin. Did her wish come true?

Years later, Sally unwraps the dried wishbone. She wishes that the school bully will leave her alone. Just before the bully dies in a freak accident, Sally hears the flap, flapping of desperate wings. At University, she hears the dreadful noise again when she looks at her Tutor. She should never have used the wishbone to pass her exam because now the Tutor is dead.

Afraid of its sinister power, Sally puts the bone away and vows never to wish upon it again.

Until the day her remorseful husband confesses he has had a one night stand with Sophia. Sally would never have brought out the bone, except that Sophia is stalking them with a deranged jealousy.

But be careful what you wish for, because the sickening sound of flapping wings fills Sally’s ears not only for Sophia, but also for her husband.

Sally must stop the wish from coming true and as she looks at her reflection in the mirror, she is deafened by the beating of battered wings.