Make My Movie

NZFC / NZ On Air / present... the MAKE MY MOVIE project. Our proud history of profound, progressive & potty thinking: Splittng the Atom / Women Getting the Vote / the Zorb and now we have another world first: the MAKE MY MOVIE project

Project details

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The Free Will

A “Sumerian Productions” FILM
WRITTEN BY Sally Jossi

Yona, a girl of 10 years of age who is playful and joyful, has a N.D.E. after a car crash. Yona sees her spirit pulled out from her body and withdrawn into a very pure light. From that light emerges a beautiful being that is Jesus and takes her to beautiful place where she sees, hears and touches so many amazing things. This is Heaven for Yona and she does not want to go back to earth. Due to Yona’s parents prayers for her to get out of the comma, magical voice asks her to return to earth. Although she refuses, the girl returns eventually and her life since changed forever.

Yona gets confused, troubled in her teen years and suffers from so many things like alcoholism, drugs etc. Her life gets so miserable and eventually decides to commit suicide to go back to that pure magical place once she visited in her childhood. After jumping over a bridge, Yona sees herself on the ground, everything so grey. Her soul is pulled out of her and dragged down with strong power to what seems to be the gates of Hell that goes towards the centre of the earth. Yona then sees, hears, smells and touches lots of awful disgusting creatures and things. That is Hell for Yona. After her awful experience there as she starts crying for God and her parents prayers for her body to revive, she sees herself pulled up by a hand around her neck and sees herself in Emergency theatre where doctors trying to save her .

Yona’s choice now is either living her life as she used to as an innocent child waiting for her time to come and receive the bliss of Heaven or vice versa with selfish materialistic attitude like she did in her teen years yet showed her the awful consequences of her actions.