Make My Movie

NZFC / NZ On Air / present... the MAKE MY MOVIE project. Our proud history of profound, progressive & potty thinking: Splittng the Atom / Women Getting the Vote / the Zorb and now we have another world first: the MAKE MY MOVIE project

Project details

Through the eye of the needle Poster View larger

Through the eye of the needle

A “Undaground Productions” FILM
WRITTEN BY Issac Toa Leota

Dan is fresh out of prison after serving a 7 year stint for an aggravated robbery that he played a part in. He realises he needs to make some positive changes to prevent himself from following the same path. However as an ex-con with no recent work history and during a recession his chances of finding work are very slim. But Dan notices as he looks around there are so many people with tattoos and in prison he was the number 1 tattooist and that was when it hits him why not open up a Tattoo shop. The only thing is he knows he can’t do it alone and without money. So Dan goes on a search for other tattooists who are keen to take a chance and do something positive. But finding the money to get them into their shop may mean that Dan has to resort to old habits to make his dream come true.