Make My Movie

NZFC / NZ On Air / present... the MAKE MY MOVIE project. Our proud history of profound, progressive & potty thinking: Splittng the Atom / Women Getting the Vote / the Zorb and now we have another world first: the MAKE MY MOVIE project

Project details

U-netverse Poster View larger


A “540 Studios” FILM
WRITTEN BY Shirley Todd

A Comazyte is a human person in the Yonverse (our world) who is glued to the computer and forever on the net; he/she has no real friends and is like a comatose zombie staring at the computer screen in a hypnotic trance. Well, this is the name that Hatchet-Hacket gave to these humans as he watched them through their web cams. He was amazed at their intensity and ability to block out everything else and stare continually, seldom blinking, into the computer screen for hour upon hour. Sadly, this was their undoing and enabled Hatchet-Hacket to develop the, Comazyte-n-abla Machine, which uses a computer program to draw the Comazyte humans into his world. Only Comazytes can become Trojans and so he needs as many humans as he can find from the Yonverse. There is, however, one drawback to his machine, a small glitch he calls it, and that is, the Comazytes still have 99 computer days to find Audwin, the Webmaster, who can then return them to their world, otherwise, their energy is converted into a u-netversal generic code which then intertwines with the U-netverse (the computer universe) and they stay trapped in there forever. But this doesn’t worry Hacket as Audwin is constantly on the move and impossible to find.

Hacket has set his sights on Qrenin, a human teenage boy, and his guild, his online gaming friends. Within a week Qrenin loses contact with them all and he is puzzled as to why they aren’t responding to his emails and web calls. Until Qrenin, himself, finds out firsthand the reason for their disappearance!

Shirley Todd © 2011
NZWG Script Registration No. 11/057