Make My Movie

NZFC / NZ On Air / present... the MAKE MY MOVIE project. Our proud history of profound, progressive & potty thinking: Splittng the Atom / Women Getting the Vote / the Zorb and now we have another world first: the MAKE MY MOVIE project

Project details

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White Lies

A “Frank Victoria” FILM
WRITTEN BY Frank Victoria and guests

Have you ever wondered why New Zealand is the biggest milk producer in the world? Or why large parts of the North Island are forbidden territory? The two facts may be more closely related than you think.

In 1900, this country produced about five hundred litres of milk a year. Of course, as the population increased, so did milk production: in 1946, dairy producers achieved an impressive three thousand six hundred and twenty litres. But barely a year later, those numbers were pulverised as one hundred thousand litres of New Zealand milk flooded the world market. And that was just the beginning…

Investigative journalist Francis Lavache goes out of his way to discover the truth behind the official white lies about NZ milk. Grainy historical photos, incredible but blurry footage, and interviews with honest and reliable witnesses who don't look fake at all will convince you of this incredible story.