The Tararua Range forms part of New Zealand North Island’s backbone with two central peaks – Arete in the north and Mt Hector in the south or Pukemoumou, ‘hill of desolation.’ The severe climate and rugged landscape make it is known as one of the most difficult tramping regions in New Zealand. The orange triangle is the official track marker for DOC tracks and is nailed onto trees along the path to show that you are on the right track. It is 30th December 2012 and idyllic weather.
Ash and Susan are escaping with their 5 year old daughter to camp at Waiohine Gorge. A school trip with 15 teenagers is also leaving from Waiohine Gorge. Tane, his brother Hemi and his son Arana are setting off on a hunting trip from the Kiriwhakapapa entrance. Simon and Maxine are taking their teenage children in from Otaki Forks.
But there is also a stranger in the ranges. He is alone and desperate. As the weather closes in and the mountains show their force arguments start happening, people start making mistakes and darkness falls. The orange triangles fade into the darkness… Who will get out alive and who will not?