Graphic novel artist Deacon Chambers is put in a heavy coma after surviving a fatal attack at the hands of a serial killer named The Nightshade Strangler. In five years time he suddenly awakens and discovers he has an uncanny ability to enter his dreams consciously.
Adjusting back to normal life he finds a part time job sharpening hockey skates at an ice skating rink by day. By night he enters the astral plane and paints window frames on dark cryptic roof tops envisioned in his dreamtime where he communicates with self created entities.
Under the eye of the law Deacon is unable to explain to detectives what attacked him that fateful night and why The Nightshade Strangler disappeared long ago until now. A string of gripping murders begin to take place in Deacons presence and the authorities become suspicious of his activity.
Filled with fear and bewilderment the tortured artist desperately searches for answers from spiritual guides but is unable to find any concrete truth. Can he overcome this evil supernatural force with a mere earthly body or will he have to cross the boundaries of reality and time to become a waking dreamer.