A hostile universe hangs over the suburban home where Sarah suffers a terrible nightmare, but she is safe with her fiancé, James. The next evening they pick up James' big-hearted brother, Carson, and his free-loading mate, Peter. Looking forward to a weekend away in their hometown, they take a short-cut off the main highway...but within the desolate countryside they encounter a strange mist…and suddenly plummet into a never-ending pitch-black abyss...
Struggling to rationalise their horrifying predicament, the car’s occupants are driven to the brink of sanity - how can they continuously fall without hitting anything? Where has the world gone? Can it somehow be a trick? James insists the mist was a gas and they are hallucinating it all. But when unable to prove it, he reaches the worst conclusion – perhaps they are dead…
As the panic builds Peter angrily blames James for what has happened…and it all becomes too much for Carson, overwhelmed with fear and claustrophobia…
And when Sarah glimpses something out in the darkness, they realize that maybe they are not alone in the infinite darkness...
Can the trapped passengers survive the horrors of the Void…and somehow find a way out?